Monday, August 15, 2016


Dearest Family and Friends,

My father complained that I did not say more about Sister Hill, so I guess I'll write just a little bit more.

Sister Hill is from Sandy, Utah, the third of four children.  She is super funny and already has a deep love for the people here.  She works hard and is unafraid to try new things.  She's really sweet and a huge support to me.  I am so grateful for her, and I know that she will see so many miracles throughout her mission!

This last week was 山の日、or Mountain Day!  It was the first annual Mountain Day, so we decided to organize a ward activity where we all go hike 筑波山 Mount Tsukuba together!  Only two people came, but it was still way fun.  It was my first time hiking it, and my legs have been ゼリー since.

We ate dinner at a little pond last week, and we had fun playing with the duck and looking at all the turtles.  I'll attach some pictures.
As it is summer break, a lot of our time has been spent teaching English to all of the kids who are out of school.  It has been a lot of fun.

Today is Obon, my favorite holiday.  As you may remember from last year, it is a holiday celebrating (or honoring, I guess) our ancestors.  The Japanese people believe that during this time of year, the Spirit World is closer to the earth, so everyone goes to their graves and prays to their ancestors.  I am so grateful for my ancestors and their choices.  I would not be where I am today, with a knowledge of the restored gospel, if it weren't for my ancestors' decisions.  I look forward to when I can truly embrace the Spirit of Elijah, find my ancestors, and perform saving ordinances in their behalf.  I know that families are forever!

I love you all!  Please be safe!
Love, Crandall Shimai

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