Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Dearest Family,

We had zone conference this last week, and it was really weird to be one of the returning missionaries and to bear my testimony.  I actually cried during my testimony, which makes me think that maybe I will be just like my mom.  (*^^*)

On Saturday we had a kubarikai with the ward.  Only a few people showed up, but it was still fun.  Since it was raining and no one was on the streets, we just posted the apartments near the college. Afterwards there was a ward party, and we ate Nagashi Soumen in the church's parking lot.  They set up bamboo that they ran water through so that they could send noodles and stuff down for everyone to eat. That was a terrible description, so I'll send a video.

After the party, we went with Misaki (recent convert) and Yuuka (investigator) to the Tsukuba Matsuri and watched the parade.  It was so cool!  The taiko drums were amazing, and the Omikoshi were so beautiful.  Whenever I see so much culture, I just feel like I want to live in Japan forever.

This week I have the opportunity to go with Miki, one of the first people I met when I came to Japan, to the temple for her to receive her endowment.  I am so grateful for the relationship I have been able to build with her.  I am grateful for her example and for her diligence in the Gospel.  She is such an amazing person!  I am so excited for her to make eternal covenants with her Father in Heaven.

I love the temple!  I love the blessings and knowledge we can receive there.  I look forward to going more regularly when I return home.

I love you all!  Have a fantastic week!

Love, Crandall Shimai

Monday, August 22, 2016


Dearest Family,

Yesterday I had the opportunity to participate via broadcast in the Sapporo Shinden dedication! It was an amazing experience! Elder Stevenson conducted the meeting in Japanese, and President Whiting was able to share his thoughts in Japanese as well. I feel like that was very special for the Japanese people. President Nelson (I love him) spoke in English, and was so excited to speak that he often cut off his translator. It was a very special meeting. I was happy to use the white handkerchief I brought from home for the temple dedication in the Hosanna Shout. It was interesting doing it in Japanese. I memorized the lyrics for The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning in Japanese, but was disappointed when we only sang two verses. It was a really great experience though, and I felt an even greater bond with Japan. I will truly miss this place and these people so much.

We've had a lot of rain these last few days (taifuu season), and the other day we saw a rainbow! It was pretty large. I can't remember the last time I've seen a rainbow.

Yesterday we watched The Restoration video (the hour long one) with Yuuka. It kept skipping and freezing, which was probably Satan's fault. It was still really powerful though. We should be meeting with her parents in a week or two.

I am so grateful for Joseph Smith, that even at such a young age he thought so deeply about religious things and was willing to stand by the answers he received. I cannot think of anyone more courageous or more steady than him. Truly, Joseph Smith has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it. I am so grateful for his example and for his many sacrifices. I know that he was foreordained to be the prophet of the Restoration. I know that he truly did see God, the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, in the Sacred Grove. I know that he received all of the Priesthood keys necessary for our salvation, and I know that we still have those keys today.

I love you all! Crandall Shimai より

Monday, August 15, 2016


Dearest Family and Friends,

My father complained that I did not say more about Sister Hill, so I guess I'll write just a little bit more.

Sister Hill is from Sandy, Utah, the third of four children.  She is super funny and already has a deep love for the people here.  She works hard and is unafraid to try new things.  She's really sweet and a huge support to me.  I am so grateful for her, and I know that she will see so many miracles throughout her mission!

This last week was 山の日、or Mountain Day!  It was the first annual Mountain Day, so we decided to organize a ward activity where we all go hike 筑波山 Mount Tsukuba together!  Only two people came, but it was still way fun.  It was my first time hiking it, and my legs have been ゼリー since.

We ate dinner at a little pond last week, and we had fun playing with the duck and looking at all the turtles.  I'll attach some pictures.
As it is summer break, a lot of our time has been spent teaching English to all of the kids who are out of school.  It has been a lot of fun.

Today is Obon, my favorite holiday.  As you may remember from last year, it is a holiday celebrating (or honoring, I guess) our ancestors.  The Japanese people believe that during this time of year, the Spirit World is closer to the earth, so everyone goes to their graves and prays to their ancestors.  I am so grateful for my ancestors and their choices.  I would not be where I am today, with a knowledge of the restored gospel, if it weren't for my ancestors' decisions.  I look forward to when I can truly embrace the Spirit of Elijah, find my ancestors, and perform saving ordinances in their behalf.  I know that families are forever!

I love you all!  Please be safe!
Love, Crandall Shimai

Monday, August 8, 2016

Lastborn in the Wilderness...

Dearest Family & Friends... This is Sister Hill!

Sisters Hill & Crandall with the Naganos
Arriving Missionaries 8/2/2016

Note from Crandall Shimai's mission president:

​Brother Crandall,

Thank you for your kind message. We love Sister Crandall very much and she has been one of the most trustworthy sisters we have had in our mission. She loves the Lord, the gospel, her companions and the people in Japan. We have asked her to train again and she is doing a wonderful job. Thank you for raising such a wonderful daughter of God!

Best regards,

永野 卓司
日本東京伝道部 会長

Takuji Nagano
Japan Tokyo Mission
4-25-12 Nishiochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 161-0031

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Training Part 3

Dearest loved ones,

This last week has been crazy. My dear companion returned home early because of health issues, leaving a hole in my heart.  反田姉妹はイエスキリスト以外に一番素晴らしい宣教師です。これから頑張って下さい!愛してるよ〜💙

I transferred to Kamagaya and worked with Fukuda Shimai, a transfer one missionary, for a week. Tomorrow I will be returning to Tsukuba with a new missionary - my third!  If I count the two that I've follow up trained, I guess I can say I have five trainees. :3 genealogy!

I'm pretty excited to be training my last transfer.  I look forward to all of the miracles we will see together during my last six weeks.  Although I've been in Kamagaya for the last week, I've been able to plan a lot of things for next week, so hopefully my bean has a great first week in the mission.  I'm excited for how things will go this next transfer. I really want to make things happen!

I love you all!  I know this church is Christ's restored church! I know that there are living prophets on the earth today.  I know that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the power of God, and that it is the most correct of any book on Earth.  As I've studied the Book of Mormon, I've come to learn that the more knowledge we have, the greater capacity we have to feel - happiness, sorrow, love, pain.  Knowledge gives us a greater ability to choose.  I want to strive harder to increase my knowledge so as to become more like my Savior.

Have a fantastic week!
Love, Crandall Shimai