Dearest Family
and Friends,
With another
transfer under my belt (except I guess I don't wear a belt... under my arm かな), I will be moving from Koshigaya
to a new area! I've been in Koshigaya for
six months, so It'll be hard to leave. But,
at the same time, I am a little tired of all the ekis and roads in this little area. I'll miss it, but I'm excited to go somewhere
As many of you
may have guessed already (based on the title of my email), I have been transferred
to つくば! For those of you who don't
speak or read the Celestial Language, I've been transferred to Tsukuba! It's a part of Matsudo Stake, so for exchanges
I'll be able to return to my beloved bean area!
I look forward to working with Sister Burke, a sweet sister who is deathly
allergic to fish. Sorry Dad, I probably won't
come home loving sea food.

This last week
was a lot of fun. Miki, my recent convert
from Matsudo, came to Koshigaya on Tuesday and we had lunch together! It was so fun to talk with her. She is currently a Relief Society teacher in Matsudo
Ward, and she'll probably start taking the temple prep lessons soon! She loves interacting with the sisters' investigators
there. I didn't know this, but Miki told
me that to get baptized she changed jobs!
She wanted to be able to come to church every Sunday, so she quit working
at the company where she was employed and started working somewhere with the expectation
that she wouldn't have to work on Sundays.
She says that it's farther away, and it's a little 大変、but she loves being able to come
to church every week. I love Miki so much,
and I look forward to going to the temple with her this August/September!
We had the Yamashita
Kaichou conference this last week. President
Yamashita from the Asia North Area Presidency and his wife came and spoke to us
about everything under the sun - from cleanliness to opening our mouths to loving
our companions to having effective study... It was really insightful, but a little
overwhelming. He and his wife are both super
adorable, though.
The next day
we had MLC in Tokyo all day. That was also
really inspiring. It was probably my last
MLC of my mission though as I am no longer a Sister Training Leader and I will probably
be training my last two transfers.
Saturday we had
a youth activity, and only one youth came.
Shion kun is a trooper! (yeah, his
name is Shion, like Zion!) There was also
an investigator who brought a friend and a few single adults that came. All in all, it was a fun activity. I shared a short thought from the scriptures and
then taught them a hula dance. Sadly, none
of the young women could come, but I feel like it was a success.
I'm so grateful
for my mom! Mom, I love you so much! I hope that you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Please know that I am always thinking of you and
praying for you. 神よまた逢うまで!
I am ever grateful
for my Savior, Jesus Christ, for His Atonement, and for His love. I know that He lives. I know that He loves me. I know that He sacrificed Himself for me, that
I can return to my Father in Heaven. I am
ever grateful for this important truth, that He loves us!
Happy Mother's
Love, Crandall