Dearest Family
and Friends,
This week was
pretty crazy. We had a mission conference on Wednesday, and immediately afterward
we had exchanges with the sister training leaders. We also had to prepare two lessons
for Sunday and some talks. Sister Moore spoke yesterday, and I will be speaking
next week. Notwithstanding being busy with other stuff, we got more than twice as
many lessons this week as last week. Crazy miracles everywhere!
For our mission
conference, Elder Whiting came and spoke to us. He was very straightforward about
how we as missionaries need to have more faith to baptize. I feel very inspired
to work harder to talk to more people, especially younger people. I feel inspired
to work harder and have more faith. If I have faith, God will work miracles. A marvelous
work and a wonder... Often we focus too much on the work part and miss the wonder
of seeing God lead His own work.
I think our eyebrows
got a little singed in that meeting.
We have been
striving to teach with the Spirit more, especially in asking inspired questions.
I feel that our lessons have improved a lot. We met with an investigator named Mami
on Saturday, and we just talked about Christ the entire time. We talked about His
birth and His ministry. We focused a lot of time on the atonement, and what that
means for us. It was a really powerful lesson. I feel so grateful whenever I have
experiences like that.
We had the opportunity
to teach Primary yesterday, and it was so much fun! Japanese children are the cutest.
Just sayin'. I also basically singlehandedly taught the gospel principles lesson
on tithing, so that was fun. Sister Moore spoke in Sacrament Meeting, and I felt
like a proud mother. Her testimony was very simple yet powerful.

This morning,
we decided to go find some statues on the top of a hill. I've been seeing these
two statues for three months now, and I decided I really wanted to find out what
they were for. We biked up a hill and then hiked up a little more until we came
to a lookout with the two statues towering over us. It was a beautiful view, but
there were no signs anywhere describing the statues. After a few minutes, a lady
joined us on the platform, and we started talking. We talked a little about church,
and she told us how she sees the elders biking around a lot. She believes in God,
and was curious about our relationship with Him and with Christ. We talked a little
about that, and then she told us the story behind the statues! Apparently there
was a huge Typhoon, and It was becoming very dangerous for Kanagawa prefecture.
So, a princess (one of the two statues) went down to the bay and prayed, and then
some kind of god (the other statue) came down and calmed the water. It is supposed
to be some kind of love story between the princess and this god.

Within minutes
of that lady leaving, Morishita came to the platform as well! I feel like we see
her everywhere. She kindly took some pictures for us, and we were able to get some
pictures with her, too. She's so cute.
We had zone Pday
in Toke, so we got to ride the trains a lot. It was fun to talk to a lot of different
people. As we were walking to the park in Toke, a man stopped us because he wanted
to talk to gaijin (foreigners). He told us about how he might want to study English,
and he played a leaf for us. (Grass whistle?) It was way cool, then he said bye
and left. We got a little lost looking for the park and found ourselves in a cool
forest-y area. We saw a cool shrine and lots of pretty scenery. Every day I am so
grateful for the opportunity I have to be in Japan right now. This place is so beautiful
and the people are so kind. I know that the Lord has prepared the Japanese people. The work here will explode, and I hope to be a part of it!
Stay safe! Be
fun! Have a great week!
Love, Crandall
Sister Amelia
Japan Tokyo Mission
4-25-12 Nishi
Ochiai Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo-to 161-0031